gemstone - Uma visão geral

Dolomite ranges from pure white to brownish-white and sometimes pink-colored. Gemstone quality dolomite can be difficult to find due to their cleavage and low hardness, 3.5-4 on Moh’s scale. They are therefore usually preferred as a collector’s stone.

Omphacite jade belongs to a large family of rock-forming pyroxene mineral silicates, the most famous being jadeite. Omphacite jade can range in color from light to dark-green or black-green. It is sometimes referred to as inky black jade.

Unlike morganite and tanzanite from the same house, kunzite’s price has always followed a steady and upward trend.

A mineral needs to meet three requirements to be regarded as a gemstone: beauty, durability, and scarcity, all of which are indispensable.

Sphalerite is a rare collector's gem which has exceptional dispersion (also known as fire). In fact its dispersion rating is three times as high as that for diamond.

 It symbolizes health, peace, wealth, and longevity. Pearls have been loved by people since ancient times and bring good wishes to people who are born in this month.

Hackmanite onyx western exhibits an unusual phenomenon known as reversible photochromism, where a mineral changes color when exposed to sunlight.

The mineral sodalite gets its name from its sodium content. As a gemstone, sodalite is usually blue, often with a violet tint, and frequently contains white veins of calcite.

Hessonite is an orange-brown variety of garnet colored by traces of manganese and iron. It is sometimes known as cinammon stone.

A combination of orthoclase and albite arranged in layers cause the lovely sheen. Despite the name, rainbow moonstone is actually a variety of labradorite with a multicolored adularescence.

While a lot of blue topaz simply has a touch of blue, there are also Swiss Blue and London Blue gems. Both of these shades are produced by heavy irradiation but you can’t argue with the end results!

Demantoid garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the garnets. Found in green to emerald green, demantoid garnet is scarce and is typically only seen in small sizes.

The tiger’s eye is considered by the Indians to be a sacred stone, a symbol of prestige, to prevent depression, and physical and mental illness, and to inspire courage.

Since zodiac birthstones are natural crystals that are said to be spiritual in nature, it is believed that wearing a stone belonging to our own zodiac signs can bring a lifetime of peace and happiness.

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